Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Road Trip to Mackinaw Island

After the wedding saturday i went to church sunday with some of my friends in know from crown up there. It was fun, the church had a picnic that afternoon, then i got to spend some time with a bunch of the singles after the evening service. We went to Red Lobster. YUM!!! I left late sunday evening and drove about half of the way to mackinaw, stayed in a hotel and got up the next morning and made the rest of the trip. It was a blast, just a nice relaxing time in a really neat area. Also, the Lord is good, amidst all the tourist and travelers, the Lord allowed me to get on the boat and sit next to a family, who were Christians and their son was considering going to Crown, AMAZING huh!!!! I got to talk to them for a while on the boat and enjoyed it very much. I'm glad the Lord gave me that opportunity. Also i just want to thank the Lord for safety and traveling mercies over the 1,300 miles i traveled this weekend. Here is a slideshow of a few of the many pictures i took while up there. Enjoy.

--->Click Here For The Slideshow<---

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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States