Saturday, December 30, 2006

I am going crazy!

Did you ever wonder what the life of a traveling designer looks like? Well take a glance at the picture above to find out. This is me slaving away on the infamous book that seems never to end.

Oh well, on to happier things, tomorrow is New Years Eve and i am very excited. Our church is having its first watchnight service in a very long time. Usually a family in our church has a huge party, but they decided against it this year. We'll start at 9:30 with some food (yah) and have a special service and preaching. Then we will pray in the New Year. I think its fitting, since the Lord has given us so much to start this new year of right! Of course new resolutions will be made and broken, but the Lord is ever faithful. We owe Him much thanks for another year to serve Him and to be with family and friends.

Until the New Year,


About Me

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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States