Well, i know i haven't posted in FOREVER, and i'm really not sure why. I haven't done much personal photography lately maybe thats why. I have been extremely busy lately but the Lord has been good and has seen me through it all. I got the opportunity last saturday to drive over to Withville, VA and shoot some photos of Kristin Short and her family. I shot her and her mom for their new business cards and postcards, then some of her and her sister and family. It was fun and i am very thankful for their hospitality while i was there. I will try to be more faithful in posting this coming year. I hope everyone that reads this post has a MERRY CHRISTMAS. Never forget the real reason for Christmas, our Saviour humbling himself to come to Earth to save us from an eternity apart from Him. Just remember the greatest gift a person could ever receive is Christ as their personal Saviour! Enjoy the photos.