Monday, June 11, 2007

Lee Waller, A true Christian and a great friend

If you haven't heard already, one of my dear friends, Houston Lee Waller, was taken home in a car accident while traveling with the New Testament Church Pioneers out West. I don't even have words to express what I am feeling. Lee was in my dorm all this past year and such an encouragement to me. He had such a heart for the Lord, wanted to see souls saved, and revival brought to our country. One of my last and greatest memories of him, was in a dorm devo near the end of the semester. He and I got down on our knees and begged God to send revival, to stir our hearts for the things of the Lord. I will not deny it, i don't even come close to understanding the reason for this, but our God does and that brings great peace. I pray that in his death, many will come to new life in Jesus Christ. I offer my deepest sympathies to all the Waller family and those who knew and loved Lee. Lee, you will be missed, but may your testimony reach to the ends of the world.

Heb. 11:4 ...and by it he being dead yet speaketh.


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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States