Well i've been home for just about a week now, and its been quite nice. I actually think i may be catching up on my sleep. I go back to work Monday at the Oasis Golf Club, so my lounging around will soon come to an end. I haven't shot too many pictures lately, just cuz i've been lazy, but my mom babysits a bunch of kids so i shot a few pictures of them, I think they turned out pretty well. I also snapped a couple out in the yard, so ENJOY!
Well, its been a little while since ive posted. Its been quite a couple of weeks. Graduation was last monday, Praise The Lord!, and I have been in an interim class up until today. So here are a couple pictures graduation. It was fun and i'm glad i'm done though. I just got home earlier today, so i'm expecting to have much more time to keep up with this thing now that i have a little more time in my life.
So, i know all of you are like oh my goodness, ryan updated his blog. I guess there really isn't any excuse, but ive just been busy and haven't had much time. I haven't had much time to just take pictures to put on my blog. Here are a few pictures i snapped this weekend. Justin, Andrew, Gabe and I all pile into his truck at 12:00 last friday and drove all the way to kokomo, in. We had a blast, it was just really nice to be away for a couple days with friends and no worries. We then drove to cincinnati for church sunday night. These are a couple shot i snapped in downtown Kokomo.